Gratis Live Demo am 16. Oktober

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The past twelve months have been both exciting and successful at the same time for ecoDMS GmbH. During this period, the manufacturer of high-performance document management, mail archiving and workflow solutions released a new product, increased its customer base and was able to engage new resellers in 2019. Autumn also saw some commotion, when ecoDMS GmbH moved to new and larger premises in the company location of Aachen.

Michael Schmitz, managing director of ecoDMS GmbH, sums up 2019 as follows:„For us, 2019 was a very breath-taking and exciting year. This was mainly due to the release of ecoWorkflow, a new product. Companies can use this software to optimise document-related processes and thus dramatically lower their administration costs. Moreover, we were able to grow our customer base by 25 percent in 2019 and have been able to win over more than 750 IT systems providers and retailers as resellers. In line with this growth, we were able to increase our employee base by a quarter. Therefore, and this was the final highlight of the past twelve months, we recently moved into new and larger premises in Aachen. We assume that in 2020, companies will be focusing even more on the topic of “automated processing of document-related processes”. To address this market, we are well-equipped with ecoWorkflow and are looking forward to new challenges.“
The automatic email archive “ecoMAILZ” from ecoDMS GmbH enables quick, secure and legally compliant archiving for all incoming and outgoing emails. At a license price of 49 Euro, the software is a true bargain. The license fee includes updates for a period of 24 months. The browser-based interface is easy to operate and allows access to the archived messages from anywhere. All emails are securely stored in data containers. These are located directly on site at the customer and not on third party servers.

ecoMAILZ retrieves incoming emails immediately from the server when they arrive and stores them in the mail archive. The web client enables authorised users to view the emails for which they are responsible after they have logged on. Retrieving emails is child’s play with full-text search and filtering functions.

ecoMAILZ also fulfils the legal requirements for compliant email archiving. Here, the software works with a two-step archiving concept. Each message receives a status. In combination with a configurable examination period, users can manage the current archiving status in the Status dialogue box. For example, you can tag private emails that have a certain deadline/within a certain deadline. ecoMAILZ recognises these tags and does not transfer these emails to the archive.

ecoMAILZ also conforms with the general data protection regulation (GDPR). Users can irrevocably erase messages from the archive for important reasons using the “Two-Man Rule”.

Apart from the web client, ecoMAILZ has its own plugins for MS Outlook and Thunderbird. They connect ecoMAILZ with the respective email interface. This allows users to monitor the archiving status and make various archiving settings directly in the email client.

The team from Aachen has created an interface for their document archive “ecoDMS”. The dedicated plugin establishes a connection between the ecoMAILZ email archive and the ecoDMS document archive. Moreover, the archived emails from ecoMAILZ can also be archived and retrieved in ecoDMS.

For these and more information about software from ecoDMS GmbH, visit The website contains a lot of product information and the latest versions for download. Licenses for the full product versions and support packages are available in the online shop.
ecoDMS GmbH from Aachen is launching an entirely new, state-of-the-art workflow solution. ecoWorkflow enables you to automate all processes quickly and easily without requiring programming knowledge. The modern workflow system opens new opportunities for customers and resellers of ecoDMS in the areas of “digitalisation, archiving, administration and automation”.

The implementation of a workflow solution requires a lot of knowledge about how to optimise and accurately implement internal processes. Sound advice is at the heart of this process. This is why the company from Aachen is offering IT system integrators and resellers interesting and educational training to become certified business partners. The courses are designed to get future CBPs up to speed with ecoWorkflow, enabling them to professionally implement the software for their customers. In a two-day workshop they acquire the necessary knowledge at the site of their future business partner. The certified workflow partner is then able to recognize the measures required by their customer, implement processes and model the workflow system according to the customer’s requests.

Feedback has been very positive since the beginning. More and more system integrators are looking for affordable and easy to operate workflow solutions for their customers. This is why we are experiencing a high number of enquiries about certification. By August 2019, 6 partners will already have completed the training program and there are more scheduled courses in the pipe.

With the certification as ecoWorkflow specialist, certified business partners include a perfect software for automating and optimising business processes in their existing portfolio. ecoWorkflow fits into the processes and structures of a company like a tailored suit. The user-friendly implementation of the full solution allows the mapping of the required processes without any programming knowledge. An intelligent role and user concept assigns the respective tasks to the department concerned.

The state-of-the-art technology of ecoWorkflow enables quick installation and particularly easy configuration of the entire workflow environment. Users can log in directly through their web browser and start working. Using the web client, you can initiate processes, set up shares or delegate tasks.

For this and more information visit
Mit dem Archivsystem ecoDMS vom gleichnamigen Hersteller, der ecoDMS GmbH, können Unternehmen ihre Unterlagen auf Papier durch eine digitale Lösung weitgehend ablösen. Das reduziert das tägliche Papieraufkommen deutlich und optimiert die Arbeitsprozesse enorm. Durch die revisionskonforme Aufbewahrung aller Unterlagen, Belege und Dateien in einem zentralen Dokumentenarchiv erhält jeder Mitarbeiter in Sekundenschnelle Zugriff auf die benötigten Dokumente.

Via Mausklick stehen die benötigten Arbeitsunterlagen innerhalb weniger Sekunden zur Weiterbearbeitung bereit. Wird ein bestimmter Beleg benötigt, braucht der zuständige Mitarbeiter lediglich die erforderlichen Suchbegriffe eingeben und schon werden die passenden Ergebnisse übersichtlich in einer Tabelle angezeigt. Möglich macht dies die integrierte Volltextsuche des Dokumenten-Management-Systems. Die Dokumentensuche ist damit so einfach wie googeln.

Das System kann flexibel konfiguriert werden. Als Dokumentenarchiv erfüllt ecoDMS jegliche Anforderungen an eine professionelle Dokumenten-Management-Lösung. Angefangen von der digitalen Posteingangsbearbeitung, über die Archivierung beliebiger Dateien inklusive der individuellen Klassifizierung und Zuordnung dieser, bis hin zu zahlreichen Such- und Filterfunktionen, einer praktischen Versionsverwaltung, einer aussagekräftigen Dokumentenhistorie, professionellen Einstellungs- und Berechtigungsmöglichkeiten und einem revisionskonformen Löschsystem, lässt ecoDMS keine Wünsche offen. Dies ist nur ein kleiner Auszug der vielen Funktionen von ecoDMS.

Papierdokumente können mit dem hauseigenen Scanner digitalisiert und an die Inbox vom ecoDMS-System übergeben werden. Dateien, die bereits in elektronischer Form vorliegen können einfach per Drag und Drop in die Software gezogen werden. Speziell für E-Mails gibt es zudem ein Addon für Thunderbird und Outlook. Office-Dokumente können aus LibreOffice und MS Office ebenfalls über ein Plugin archiviert werden. So befinden sich alle Unternehmensdaten sicher in einer Datenbank.

Als plattformunabhängiges Client-Server-System kann ecoDMS nahezu in allen IT-Infrastrukturen eingesetzt werden. Die Server-Komponente läuft unter Ubuntu, Debian, Windows, Synology-NAS, QNAP-NAS, Raspberry Pi. Die Desktop-Oberfläche, welche den Zugriff auf den ecoDMS Server ermöglicht, gibt es für MacOS, Windows, Ubuntu und Debian. Darüber hinaus sorgt der Web Client für einen externen Zugriff von beliebigen Endgeräten aus mittels Internetbrowser. Dazu zählen selbstverständlich auch das Smartphone und Tablet.

Der Nutzerkreis von ecoDMS wächst stetig. Seit Jahren gilt die Software als das Top-Archivsystem für kleine- und mittelständische Unternehmen. Der günstige Preis von 89 Euro (inkl. 19% Mwst) pro Benutzer macht die Lösung außerdem für Privatleute sehr interessant. Der Preisunterschied zu anderen DMS-Lösungen fällt sofort auf. Mit ecoDMS erhalten die Kunden eine große Software für kleines Geld. Hinzu kommen die schnelle Installation und die einfache Bedienung. Die Einarbeitungszeit in das Archivsystem ist nicht hoch. Die API-Schnittstelle von ecoDMS erlaubt zudem eine individuelle Anbindung an beliebige Drittsysteme.

Eine kostenlose Demoversion, den Kauf der Vollversion und viele weitere Informationen gibt es im Internet unter
With the release of ecoWorkflow, the manufacturer ecoDMS GmbH has added a new certification programme to its partner programme. Resellers and system providers can become certified business partners of ecoDMS in order to include ecoWorkflow in their portfolio. This web-based software allows certified partners to optimise the document-related processes of their customers and prospects and thus lower their administration costs. Fantastic Solutions AG from Switzerland is the first systems provider to successfully complete the certification programme.

“Our certified business partner programme enables companies to successfully implement and maintain ecoWorkflow for their customers”, says Adruni Ishan, authorised signatory at ecoDMS GmbH and responsible for partner certification. “We hold a two-day on-site workshop at the partner’s premises to transfer the necessary skills and information for creating and modelling processes.”

A kick-off meeting with decision-makers takes place at the beginning of the workshop, where all participants agree on a common perception of projects and their structure. Once this is clear, the workshop is hands-on. The ecoDMS staff then work together with the individual departments on the current handling of typical processes, for example, incoming invoice processing. Based on these findings, ecoDMS then presents a theoretical optimised process flow, which takes into account the existing IT infrastructure. On the second day of the workshop, resellers and system providers then map this solution with ecoWorkflow. The web-based solution from ecoDMS includes the Modeller, in which users define the processes. The integrated Designer is used to create the user interface for process execution.

“This learning-by-doing approach immediately gives participants a feeling for how to successfully apply our ecoWorkflow for their customers”, says Adruni Ishan. “The software also includes templates for mapping frequently used processes. These templates can also be modified to suit individual requirements. In our workshop, the prospective certified business partners also learn how to assign subtasks to departments using the roles and user concept, and how to integrate third-party software with ecoWorkflow.” Following the successful participation in this workshop, partners receive a certificate and a free ecoWorkflow license for sales purposes. Moreover, ecoDMS forwards enquiries about ecoWorkflow directly to their business partners.

Request more information about the programme at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
ecoDMS software for digitalising and archiving all documents, files, emails and written documents has been deemed the number one of archiving system for many years. The document archive ecoDMS and the email archive ecoMAILZ are available from the Aachen-based software company at a very low price.

Fair license fees from a one-time 89 Euro payment for ecoDMS per simultaneous connection and 49 Euro for ecoMAILZ per user make ecoDMS GmbH the manufacturer with the lowest priced software archives. Private users can use the limited Free4Three edition of ecoDMS Archive for free. Both products are available for download at and can be tested as a trial version which can be licensed with a few mouse clicks at a later point in time. The manufacturer’s website features comprehensive product information for customers, including manuals, videos and much more.

The ecoDMS and ecoMAILZ archiving systems both run at the customer’s site. This means that all files are stored safely at the customer in a container-driven database and not on third-party servers. By using state-of-the-art programming methods, both systems can be installed on all platforms. Users can access ecoDMS Archive through a desktop client on the computer and through a web client in a browser from any device, such as smart phones or tablets. ecoMAILZ is accessed through a web client from the PC, smart phone or tablet.

Archiving with ecoDMS and ecoMAILZ has virtually no limits. The archiving systems can be customised to match the individual structures and requirements of customers. The high scalability of the software allows its application for all industries and users. This allows the systems to be operated as a local single-seat solution or a network solution with any number of users.

The installation and operation of the archiving systems is user friendly and simple. Both products can be used simultaneously. The technical implementation of the components ideally unifies ecoDMS and ecoMAILZ.

Scanning, archiving, managing and retrieving the archived data is simple. ecoMAILZ retrieves the emails from the email server on arrival and archives them automatically. ecoDMS is similarly easy to handle. The documents are simply moved to the archive and classified accordingly. When archiving and assigning documents, users have excellent support from the integrated template designer. The template designer recognises documents and automatically executes all further archiving and classification steps.

The full-text search helps retrieve all archived data within seconds. Full-text indexing automatically takes place in the background without requiring further action by the user. Apart from the full-text search, both systems have further helpful search functions. This ensures that no document is lost.

The full versions of both ecoDMS and ecoMAILZ offer various interfaces with third-party systems. ecoDMS contains plugins for MS Office, OpenOffice, LibreOffice, MS Outlook and Thunderbird and has a PDF/A printer. ecoMAILZ includes add-ons for Thunderbird and MS Outlook. All components are included in the license fee and are incorporated in the archiving solution.

For this and more information visit
The “ecoDMS” software has been renowned for many years as the electronic document archive for long-term, legally compliant storage of all files and data. At the low-cost license price of 89 Euro incl. 19% VAT per simultaneous connection at full performance, the manufacturer offers a professional archiving system for everyone. ecoDMS is quick to install, can be used on any platform, and is easy to operate and flexible to configure. Archiving, managing and retrieving the stored data is childsplay with ecoDMS.

The software accommodates all documents that accumulate in a company or private household. Whether it is an invoice, a delivery note, a contract, a cover letter, a reminder, a drawing, a piece of music, a video or an image, ecoDMS has space for all files. The intelligent template designer enables automatic recognition and document assignment. If a file is archived and recognised by the system, ecoDMS automatically classifies it with the associated filing and access information. Therefore: Simply move the documents into the DMS and you’re done.

All users gain access through their desktop and web client. The archiving system’s modern design allows access from all end devices. Next to computer and laptop, these also include smart phone and tablet. The document search is simple and particularly user-friendly, as ecoDMS is like an internal search engine. Simply type in the search terms, confirm, and ecoDMS displays the matching results. For displayable file formats there is also a document preview.

With each archived document users can store classification information. This information helps structure documents and supports the user when searching for documents. In addition to the fully automated full-text recognition, users can also include the classification information in the search.

ecoDMS can be configured to suit individual requirements. The system can model company folder structures, document types, statuses and much more. In contrast to the conventional storage in a file system or even in a physical folder, archiving in ecoDMS is much more transparent and easier. Thanks to numerous filters, ecoDMS requires only few details in order to quickly retrieve a document. Therefore, folder structures in this software are very compact.

The ecoDMS archiving system has many useful features. Among those are version management, a document history, a notepad, various exporting functions, an inbox for scanned paper documents, a PDF editor, a clipboard, mail functions for sending files, a resubmission system, an elaborate backup and restore programme and much more.

ecoDMS is a state-of-the-art client-server system. Developed according to the latest technological standards. It is an efficient archiving system that easily fits into every system environment. Server, however, does not indicate a piece of hardware or an external storage system. It represents the main component of the entire system. It is directly installed on the customer’s PC, server or web server.

The server component is available for Windows, Ubuntu, Debian, Raspbian, Synology NAS and QNAP NAS via Docker. The desktop runs under Windows, Ubuntu, Debian and MacOS. Moreover, the web client can be used on any end device with a current web browser.

Apart from the traditional archiving functions, the full version also has MS Office, OpenOffice, LibreOffice, Thunderbird and Outlook interfaces. A PDF/A printer also forms an integral part of the archiving solution. All components are included in the one-time license fee of 89 Euro.
A licence is valid for the respective ecoDMS version and is permanent. Moreover, the licence has no restrictions on data volume. The licence fees are due only once. There are also no monthly or annual license fees. ecoDMS is said to be the cheapest system of all times worldwide.

For this and more information, visit The software can be downloaded for free trial from the website. With a few clicks licenses of the full version can be purchased from the online shop.